Testing PH Tester Calibration Accuracy

The only true way to test how accurately your ph tester has been calibrated to is to test it with a liquid that you already know the ph of.

7 PH Liquid

For around 10 bucks a little bag of exactly 7 ph liquid can be purchased. All you have to do is open the bag and use your ph tester on it and how far off from 7 determines how accurate the tester is.

PH Testing Strips

Using ph testing strips to determine the ph of any solution before using your tester is also an option. This option is not as accurate because determining ph level is determined based off color of the strip. This will give a general reading but is harder to determine down to a decimal.

Testing PH Levels

Water After Adding Nutrients

Adding nutrients to your water will increase the ph so you must test how much it has increased by. If it is not fixed your plant will not easily absorb the nutrients it needs to thrive and could even experience nutrient lockout. To prevent this we use are PH Tester and PH down, adding drops and testing the solution until we are back at our desired levels.

Pot Run Off Water

Measuring the ph level of your run off will give you the exact ph level of the water your plant uses after it has absorbed everything available in the soil.