Step 3: Potting Your Weed Seed

Filing The Pot

Potting your weed seed starts with filling the the pot. We want to add our soil/growing medium to our pot in layers. Gently pat it down each layer making sure there are no air gaps. Don’t pack down too hard or it will make it difficult for our roots to get air. Keep adding layers until your pot is full and the level can vary depending on the pot.

Planting The Seed

If you have not yet germinated, refer to Germinating Your Weed Seed

The hole we need to plant in should be small and just a little deeper than the length of the seed taproot. Using your index finger push down into the soil until around the first knuckle line. In the hole you just made plant your seed taproot down and gently push in dirt from the sides to barely cover up the seed. Lastly sprinkle a conservative amount of water and we should see it sprout through the soil in the next couple of days.

First Watering

The First watering should not have any nutrients mix in yet. We want to start off with 6.5 PH water that contains no nutrients and slowly add them in over time. This allows our plant to get used to the nutrients over time and prevents any shocks to the system that may stunt growth.

Transplanting/Potting Your Weed Seed Into A Larger Pot

First thing we need to do is fill our pot with soil. This time we will place our smaller pot into the larger one and pack soil in around it. This will give us the proper hole shape for our plant to transplant perfectly into.

Next we remove our plant from the smaller pot, soil and all. It should come out in a neat little package held together by the roots. The soil clump at the bottom should slide easily into the who we made from it’s pot. Give the new soil a water and you should be good to go.