Step 4: Training Your Weed Plant

What Is Topping?

Topping is a method of training for your weed plant that we perform on a per branch basis. Every time we top a branch, double the amount of branches will grow in place of what would have grown.

Why We Top?

The reason to top a weed plant to increase the number of top colas produced by our plant. Topping is one of the easiest ways to increase your yield and adds nothing but top colas. It can be used alongside of low stress training and has more immediate benefits. Top colas are the best buds our plant will produce and we want to make as many of them as possible. Every time we top it will caused two branches to grow instead of one. If done correctly, with a little practice and a lot of patience you can have your cannabis plant bursting with tops in no time. The colas are the best part and increasing the number of them will not only increase your yield, but will also give you more high quality results.

How To Top

For best results, top your weed plant during the formation of a new set of leaves. We remove the new growth when its’ length is between half and one centimetre. After being fully removed the plant’s growth will be stunted for a bit because of shock. This can last from 1-3 days and after that you will see two new sets of leaves growing where the one previously was. Topping can be used with low stress training to shape your plant into one that will suit almost any needs.

Don’t top a new plant until it has 3 sets of 5 pedal leaves!

What Is Low Stress Training?

Low Stress Training is a method of training for your weed plant. It uses secured, low stress bends to the branches of the plant to force the branches to form to a desired shape. After a plant is secured in a position for long enough, the new shape becomes the plant’s natural form.

Why We Use Low Stress Training?

The main purpose of low stress training is to shape our plant to accommodate our growing needs. This could mean to restrict height, create a more even canopy, and to allow for topping in more situations.

How To Low Stress Train

TO Low Stress Train we bend a branch in the direction we want it to grow and secure it in place. Securing it in place will train the plant to grow when it has been bent too and will stay in place even after the restrain is removed.

Low Stress training is the only type of training we should do in the vegetative state. After a plant goes into flower the branches become much more firm and brittle and may snap when bent.

SCROG Net – Screen Of Green

SCROG nets are a type of low stress training that focus on creating an even canopy. If some tops grow taller than others they can be bent down under a variety of locations because of the grid of the SCROG.