Watering Your Weed Plant

Add PH Down Last!

When the growing nutrients are added to the water it increases the PH level. If you add PH down before the nutrients you will get an inaccurate PH level because the nutrients will raise the PH that was just calibrated.

Plant Water Consumption

The amount of water your plant consumes will increase as time passes and the size of our plant increases. As our weed plants get bigger their demand for water grows as well. The time between watering will also decrease because the soil can only hold a maximum amount of water and our plant will use it more quickly.

When To Add More Water

A good indicator to add more water is when the soil looks dry and the top feels dry to the touch. A number of factors will contribute to the speed at which the soil will dry out. The size of the plant is a major factor but humidity and temperature will play a role as well.

Don’t Over Water

Marijuana plants thrive in nature where rain is not constant but comes down heavily in increments. To replicate this make sure to allow your soil to dry out more than you would think. Having the top layer dry is a good indicator but I like to pick up the pot, at least while the plant is small, to feel the weight. The weight is a very good indicator of how much water is left overall. Using your best judgment, take a guess at when almost all the water is gone and then you are good to continue watering.